A learning disability (LD) is a lifelong, brain-based difficulty
that affects people with average (or better) thinking abilities.
It interferes with how someone understands, remembers, and/or uses
specific types of information, which can influence their ability
to read, perform math, and/or use oral and written language. An LD
can also cause difficulty with skills like organization, time
management, and social communication and create challenges on the
job when a work task requires the use of these skills.
Appropriate accommodations and supports for learning disabilities
can allow someone to demonstrate their knowledge effectively and
reduce performance barriers. Still, many adults may be unaware
that a learning disability is the cause of their struggle. The
Learning Disability Online Risk Indicator (LDORI) provides a fast,
easy method to determine whether someone is at risk of having a
learning disability and to ensure they receive suitable diagnostic
services and support.